Thursday, March 16, 2006

Stevie Wonder, Dave Chappelle, and SoulCracker

So, in a fit of instant karma, all of my excitement over seeing the legendary Stevie Wonder got kibboshed after standing in line for 3 hours with my Valentine, going through security, sitting in the cold and windy CBS stables during sundown and getting turned away by some douchebag named Brian. That dude was being a total weenie the whole time we were there. Valentine and I spent the time guessing what his name was...and we settled on Brad. So...when I saw his nametag and it said "Brian" (with an "I" not a "Y"), we actually weren't too far off. The ways one passes the time...I swear.

In any event, I'm supposed to call a 1-800 number between 11 and 3 PST on Friday, ask for a guy named Marvin, and say that Mr Douchebag Brad Brian turned me away and guarantee tickets for another Wednesday taping. Fantastic. When I asked if it was going to be for this season, Mr Douchebag Brad Brian said "I'm not sure". So, I put my name on the waitlist 2 seasons ago to watch Fantasia kill it, and I ended up with 3 hours dealing with housewives and Mr Douchebag Brad Brian. C'est La Vie.

After defrosting, Valentine and I ended up saving the night by dining at Farmer's Market (no cheeseburger, Beth, saving that one for you) and going to see Dave Chappelle's Block Party at the Grove. I also perused the sales rack at Anthropologie and went to check out the new magazines at Barnes & Noble. No joke, one of the staff's recommended music picks was the OST to London the Movie. Also recommended was Flickerstick. You might remember them from the best reality show of all time, Bands On The Run. The best story my ex boyfriend ever told me was when he drove to San Diego to see Soul Cracker--DURING THE BEASTIE YEARS. Oh man.

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