Wednesday, March 15, 2006

UPS, FILM School, and demo submission

Earlier today, a new face of UPS dropped by. Who was this unfamiliar, tan little man in the brown shorts? He had dropped in and started talking to Marina, saying he just realized our office had changed addresses ("F" on attentiveness since we moved last July for godssake.. no wonder we have so many missing packages).

At first, I thought he was a field rep until I realized by assistance of my bionic ear (eavesdropping) that he wasn't here on FILTER business. Turns out he was here to see Bryan! Apparently, he gave Bryan a demo of his band awhile back (obviously before last summer) and at this point, he still hadn't heard back. Ahh, yes. Ye olde "Don't call us.. We'll call you" trick.

Then who knows how conversation goes from demos to NYC but at some point, the conversation turns from Bryan to NYC. Jiff mentioned she moved here from NY and then he pipes in with how he wants to go to film school in NYC but didn't know where it was. My question is this: Was he referring to NYC or the film school? We'll never know. He also asked a very intriguing question about NY. "Is it crowded over there?"

He openly thanked God for having met Marina, finished the note for Bryan and then left.

1 comment:

DJ Tanner said...

I have a t-shirt that says "I rode the NYC Subway and survived" once on the LA Subway (Yes, LA has a subway system) and some random dude asked me if I had actually gone to NY. Apparently my "yes" was very impressive.